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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


What you think you know

They are all around us. Our every move is watched. They even know our next move. How? They control it.
“The Illuminati” was a name given to groups in the 1700s. Both real and non-fiction. It refers to “Bavarian Illuminati,” a secret society founded in 1776. In modern definition, the Illuminati is a mastermind of events though the government and corporations. The ultimate goal is to establish a “New World Order” meaning a dramatic change in society, and eventually take over the world.
“The Illuminati” members consist of the perceived higher class and celebrities. Kanye West, Barack Obama, Beyonce, Bob Dylan, Lady GaGa, and The Pope have been accused as “members” of the Illuminati.
Subliminal messages can be found in things we see every day, but often go unnoticed. Messages can vary from lyrics, symbols and can go as far as songs played backward. What we don’t notice is still there.
It’s told the Illuminati organization sets out to create events causing society to become paranoid. Shootings, car accidents, robbery, theft and even murders are all things we see in the news.
We may ask “how” and “why” but do we ever seek the answers? And when we do, are they the truth? These occurrences happen so people become paranoid, and our impression on society is negative. It feeds minds with pessimism. It’s exactly what The Illuminati wants.
It’s also suspected the Illuminati is responsible for some of the world’s most popular deaths. Murders covered up by lies and fabrication to seem like accidents. Anyone who speaks down on them, doesn’t follow their rules or doesn’t give them what they want must be punished.
Rapper Tupac Shakur strongly believed the Illuminati was real and disagreed with everything they stand for. He didn’t believe what they set out to do was necessary. He wanted to stop them even if it killed him. And it did. Tupac named his 1996 album Killuminati: The 7-day theory. Killuminati stands for “Kill the Illuminati” and he completed the entire album in 7 days. Tupac spoke down to the Illuminati through lyrics and openly in interviews. He didn’t follow the “rules” that they set out for him to follow. The “rules” that would bring him success.
The album was released on November 5, 1996. On Sept. 13, 1996, Tupac Shakur was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas, Nev.
The Illuminati are said to be highly sophisticated. They have a plan for every move they make. Every move we make. We are a part of a plan.
“Technology is so advanced; they can have us go in any direction they seek out for us to go,” said senior Josh Schwarz. “They’re a high society running our society.”

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