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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Eleven Inductees on Wall Of Inspiration

This year marks the 20th anniversary of The Wall of Inspiration. Over the past two decades, The Wall has grown every year and with this year’s 11 inductees the total number of participants is 179. 
Courtney Oakland
Wall of Inspiration inductees present their tiles in front of The Wall of Inspiration on March 1. The inductees are Max Irvine (12), Dean Sa Taw, Mason Attig (11), teacher Paul Dunn was absent and represented by assistant football coach Cole Janssen, Christian Reichl (12), Hannah Barclay (12), Hannah Veldman (12), Erin Boorsma (12), Evie Dawson (11), 2023 ALHS graduate Gavin Hanke who was represented by his brother Caden Hanke (9) and teacher Angel Welch. This was the 20th anniversary of the Wall of Inspiration.


This year marks the 20th anniversary of The Wall of Inspiration. Over the past two decades, The Wall has grown every year and with this year’s 11 inductees the total number of participants is 179. 

“It’s a wall to remind Albert Lea High School students, staff, alumni, of all the good things that take place at this school,” said organizer and social studies teacher Jim Haney.

This tradition started back in 2004 by Brian, Kathy and Laura Kuphal, honoring the individuals who have inspired others in their lives in honor of their son, Josh Kuphal. Josh attended ALHS and was an inspiration to many of his peers. He has passed away but his legacy lives on through The Wall of Inspiration. 

“We are all inspired by someone, and we can all inspire someone else as well,” said Dean Sa Taw.

This year’s inductees are Christian Reichl (12), social studies teacher Paul Dunn, English teacher Angel Welch, Dean Sa Taw, Hannah Barclay (12), Hannah Veldman (12), Mason Attig (11), Erin Boorsma (12), Evie Dawson (11), Max Irvine (12) and 2023 ALHS graduate Gavin Hanke. 

“I was very surprised at first, then felt humble after that, it was a very meaningful thing to me,” said Dunn.

The induction ceremony took place on March 1 in the ALHS gymnasium. Along with Haney, it was hosted by social studies teacher Brittany Utzka. The ceremony included a video compilation of each student explaining their tile and expressing their gratitude. The names are announced and a portion of the nomination letter is read, the inductees handover their tiles to the selection committee and receive a white t-shirt. 

“I think it plays a really important role to highlight the people that make such a big impact in our school,” said Dawson.

During the ceremony there were a number of people wearing the same shirt the inductees just received. They are the past inductees. This shirt is given by the Kuphal family and has a logo of Josh Kuphal in his wheelchair. There is also an inspirational quote saying “Be the change you want to see.” This quote is also above the wall tiles in the commons. 

“It inspires people to usually do better for people that aren’t doing so well,” said Reichl about the culture at ALHS and how the Wall makes an impact.

Each inductee received a tile to decorate. These tiles express the impact they have on others, as well as, who they are or personal life philosophies. After the ceremony, the tiles are placed inside the holders on the wall in the commons. There was a reception for the inductees and their family and friends after the ceremony in the commons. Cookies and punch were served. 

“I think it’s an example for other people to keep up their best work,” said Barclay.

The 11 Inductees are being recognized for their impact they’ve made on their classmates and school. This year the selection committee was composed of Haney, Utzka,The Kuphal family, Jasmine Hansen, and a representative from each grade class including Boorsma (12), Nevaeh Wacholz (11), Andrew Tscholl (10), Elle Schulz (9) and Alizay Kratz (8). The Kuphal family delivered congratulatory messages to the inductees.

“The wall reminds us that people are making differences and affecting others,” said senior Erin Boorsma. 

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