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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


    Restoration of Art

    The imagination stimulates the brain and gives you a million possibilities with no end.
    The Last Supper” is by Italian Artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

    When I look at a classical piece of art, I don’t even know where to look first. But when I look at a more modern piece, I can think about all the things the artist might be trying to express. Some might say, ‘’Why would you not want to understand it?” 

    I would say being able to leave something to the imagination is better than knowing the exact answer. The imagination stimulates the brain and gives you a million possibilities with no end. 

    People who hate on modern art and say, “Well, I could make that” are the people who don’t put enough thought into what could be going on in the art and how long it took the artist to make and how long until they felt like it is fully expressing what they are trying to say.

    All the different styles of modern art gives us a look into another person’s mind, even if you don’t fully understand it. Modern art is more personal to the artist. Whereas traditional art feels less personal. For example the famous painting “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci, which portrays Jesus having his last supper with his disciples. This painting doesn’t seem particular to the artist because it’s about a specific event they weren’t there to witness. They can still have feelings about this subject, but as a viewer of the art, I don’t feel as empathetic about it because it’s an historical event. The painting is not about their personal experience which makes it less significant to me. I’m viewing the event and the art from the outside.

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