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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


The Maid

Throughout the book, we follow Molly the maid, who has just lost her grandmother

“The Maid” by Anita Prose is a classic whodunnit storyline. Throughout the book, we follow Molly the maid, who has just lost her grandmother. Throughout this loss, she is coping with the way she has always coped in the past, by cleaning. Molly has a passion for cleaning and truly loves her job as a maid. While going through the hardest loss of her life, she finds Mr. Black dead in his suite. This girl truly cannot catch a break. Throughout the investigation, she is found guilty of the crime and has to figure out who the true murderer is before it’s too late. 

The best part about this book is that although the storyline is quite the cliche, Molly herself is quite different. Molly is neurodivergent. Her character is presented as gullible and always believes in the best of the people around her.

I honestly don’t know if I would particularly call this book a mystery book, because as a reader the solution to the mystery is quite clear and this is coming from a person who doesn’t like mystery books because I’m so bad at solving them. The reasoning behind this clear solution is that this story isn’t about figuring out who committed the crime, it’s about celebrating people’s differences, having people’s backs and watching your own. 

Overall, this book wasn’t my favorite, just because I don’t particularly like this sort of genre; however, this book was interesting to read and easy to get through. If you want a good murder mystery, check this book out.


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