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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Staff Feature: Jenny Schoenbauer

Jenny Schoenbauer

Jenny Schoenbauer is one of those teachers who genuinely cares. When asked what her teaching philosophy is she said that she wants “all students that come into my room feel supported and cared for and like they’re in a place where they are able to take risks and do things outside of their comfort zone.” The ways Schoenbauer tries to make her students feel safe and cared for is by having a hygiene box with deodorant, hair ties, and other hygiene products for students to take as they feel fit. 

Another thing Miss Schoenbauer does for her students is making custom playlists for her classes at the beginning of the year with some of their favorite songs for them to enjoy.  

Schoenbauer’s teaching philosophy has been shaped by many people including her high school German teacher, Brittany Elsen. Elsen Is described as “being friendly with students while also being an authority figure.” This helped Schoenbauer feel like she cared about her students and was also able to be respected. Another way Schoenbauers teaching philosophy has been changed is through a piece of advice she got in college, “treat students like human beings.” With guidance from people around her and holding on to the advice from past teachers Schoenbauer is able to be the teacher she is today.

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