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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Mariajose Ruiz

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer

Hi! I am a new member of Ahlahasa and I’m in Choir.

All content by Mariajose Ruiz
Senior Hannah Estes and Junior Dani Whelan show off the sweaters of the college theyre going to for College and Career Day May 8 2024.

College and Career Day

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
May 13, 2024
Senior Carly Stevens calls this art piece The Hummingbird. Her grandmother inspired her to make this since she loves hummingbirds. Once completing it I was glad I was able to make something that looked good,  said Stevens It was a bit of a struggle to make because I had to make sure everything was in the right spot.

Light and Dark Through Art

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
March 7, 2024
Senior Lillian Hernandez in a past rugby match against Eagan, where she was a jumper.

Jumping Over Obstacles

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
March 7, 2024
Ahlahasa staff member, Mariajose Ruiz-Ceronio (12) made a Lego build as a tribute to Ahlahasa. Alongside that, Ahlahasa staff all added their own perosnalized Lego figure’s to acompany the build. If you want to check it out, it is in display right in front of room E200 Photo by Mariajose Ruiz-Ceronio

Warning: Don’t Eat the Legos

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff writer
February 1, 2024
Angelina Welch

Staff Feature: Angelina Welch

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
January 22, 2024
Junior Evie Dawson takes her first bow as Dorothy Hale after starring in Albert Lea High School’s production of the “Wizard of Oz”. The fall musical was Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and Dec. 3 in the auditorium. Photo by Rosa Corey-Gruenes

Young Cast Presents Wizard of Oz

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff writer
December 14, 2023
Alejamdro Lopez

Student Feature: Alejandro Lopez

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
October 12, 2023


Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
October 6, 2023
Cooper McCune (Senior)

Student Feature: Cooper McCune

Mariajose Ruiz, Staff Writer
September 15, 2023
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