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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Club Feature: D & D


A club that you should consider joining is the Dungeons and Dragons, which is known for its creativity in storytelling. D&D is a role-playing tabletop game where you get to create your own character with their own special abilities, with a backstory, and personality. With this character you can go on various quests and adventures with other players who are playing as well. Not only are there various players within the game, there is also a dungeon master. Whoever is the dungeon master is in charge of leading the story-telling, they are the ones who are in charge of creating the boundaries in the game. This year’s dungeon master is Matt Dorman. Although others can help be dungeon masters, especially with D&D being a club with many members. 

They meet every other Monday from 3-5 in E108. They also host mini-campaigns during field days. Additional advisers include Mary Schoppers and Angie Zoller Barker. 

You should consider joining if you find creative storytelling and roleplaying fun. But if you think you are not creative, don’t be discouraged, D & D attracts all kinds of student players, as D&D can be a club that could help you express your creativity in different ways.

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