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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Staff Feature: Jasmine Hansen

Freaky Friday has been remade and remade and remade. And it will be remade again and again because people love to imagine another life. They ask, “what if I had made another choice?”
Jasmine Hansen

Freaky Friday has been remade and remade and remade. And it will be remade again and again because people love to imagine another life. They ask, “what if I had made another choice?”

For high school math teacher Jasmine Hansen, she would still choose teaching but change departments. She’d swap her calculator for a stopwatch and locker rooms. Hansen almost became a physical education teacher saying that she “liked sports and to be active” but chose not to pursue this career because “my dad was a phy-ed teacher, so I wanted to do something different.” 

She grew up in a family full of sports fans. She grew up watching basketball along with U.S. track and field meets. She didn’t just watch sports but participated too. Hansen grew up playing volleyball, basketball and track. She even went on to run track at Minnesota State University Moorhead. 

During the winter months, Hansen watches the Vikings when she has downtime.

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