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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Staff Member of the Week

James Flores

James Flores is a Special Education teacher at Albert Lea High School. Flores enjoys being there for his students at all times, whether that is just to be an ear to listen or to give advice. He is the kind of teacher you can talk to without any judgment at all. Sometimes Flores has to deal with students that may be disruptive, rude, frustrated, etc… When dealing with these kinds of kids Flores reacts with humor, and stays calm and collected. He says he was this type of student in school, so he feels he knows what they need to hear or the best way to react to them. He graduated from alternative high school and admits to making some poor choices. 

His woodshop teacher, Mr.Coleman, gave him a guitar and told Flores, “You do not have to be a stereotype or a number.” 

At first he did not believe Coleman since everyone, including himself, viewed Flores as a troubled kid. But Mr. Coleman was always there for him. He let Flores rant and talk to him about anything and everything; always asking if Flores needed an ear or a way to solve his problems. Mr. Coleman’s kindness and compassion towards Flores helped give him the motivation to turn his life around. Flores tries to be the kind of teacher Coleman was, treating all his students with respect and kindness no matter what they are struggling with, what their home lives are like, or how they are acting. 

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