How to Vote

How to Vote

Election season has its ups and downs and this year is no different. No matter how a ballot is cast, there are some steps leading up to voting that can’t be skipped.
First, is registration. Whether done online beforehand or at a polling station, this has to be done in order to cast a ballot. If you’re registering early, it has to be done online at before Oct. 18, then when you go to your polling place to vote, you only have to sign yourself in by your name on a list of registered voters. If you’re signing up in person on the day of voting, you need ID and proof of current address.
Next, you need to find your polling place. Go to again and follow their site links for finding a polling place until it asks you for your address. After putting in where you live, it should tell you an assigned place near your home where you are expected to vote. Once you know where to be on election day it’s as easy as showing up sometime between 7am and 8pm to cast your ballot and before you know it, you’ve voiced your opinion in the 2016 election.
Pat Martinson, Freeborn County Chief Elections Administrator, says that not only was it up to each individual to make their own informed decision, but that voting was an exciting part of becoming an adult.
And if you’re looking for answers on who to vote for?
“Study the candidates and their platforms,” Martinson says. “Much information can be found on candidate websites. Make an informed decision and make sure you get out and vote.”