Glow Up

How Students have Changed over the Years

Glow up is a term used on social media and in pop culture to describe a transformation in appearance usually during someone’s teen years.
With the end of high school is in sight for the class of 2017, two seniors, Audrey Laite and Jacob Bordewick, reflect on their experience “glowing up”.
Growing taller and becoming a more mature person are two things that Bordewick believes have changed the most since he was a middle school student five years ago, but his interest in sports have stayed the same.
Seeing younger students at the high school for the past three years has made him a more mature person according to Bordewick.
He noted that others have noticed the differences from his younger self.
“They will say things like ‘you’ve changed’” Bordewick explained.
Laite describes glowing up as blossoming.
“I don’t think I was unattractive as a child, I think a very cute child, but I’ve definitely matured very well.” Laite noted.
She describes her middle school self as shy and not likely to step out of her comfort zone.
Now Laite describes herself as driven, kind and caring.
“It can be really hard to be a kind person in this world, but it’s easier to be kind than to be rude,” Laite explained. “I feel like it weighs more on your conscious when you’re rude.”
The biggest change Laite has noticed about herself is her attitude on life.
“I don’t let things affect me as much, I just kind of live and let learn.” Laite said.
Like Bordewick, Laite also believes she is more mature, and that maturity comes from growing up around her peers.
“I feel like you need that to be able to mature, it might not be the best situation but you need that to help grow into the person you are supposed to be.” Laite explained.
Both Bordewick and Laite have had positive memories from growing up, but Laite noted that she believes middle school is a little cringe-worthy for everyone.
“You can’t believe you were that immature at that stage in your life.” Laite explained.