50 Years of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff

799 episodes (97 missing), 26 seasons, 60 companions, 11 doctors, 50 years


After many months of waiting, Whovians were finally able to watch the 50th anniversary of their favorite TV show. This episode brought back David Tennant (10th doctor) and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler).

“I really liked it!” said Audrey Latie, freshman. “I thought it was the best episode since the beginning of the new seasons.”

This episode combined 10 (Matt Smith) and 11 (John Hurt) as the war doctor into one huge bundle of doctors. In the episode the doctors work together with the helpful hands of Clara Oswin Oswald (current companion) to freeze Gallifrey in time, so it wouldn’t get destroyed.

“I was really disappointed by the fact that 10 and Rose didn’t get to see each other,” said sophomore Sydney Hagen. “That killed me inside, Also I didn’t like that you didn’t see 9 all that much till the very end of the episode.”

Doctor who originally aired on Nov. 23, 1963 and went on until Dec. 6, 1989, when the show was suspended due to a falling number in viewers. It was brought back into TV on March 26, 2005.

“Overall,” Latie said, “it was a really good episode and I really enjoyed watching it.”

“I was most excited for the plot” Hagen said “I didn’t know if it would leave me as an emotional wreck or not. I didn’t know if I would be in a ball crying my eyes out or not.”