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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


3-D is taking over:Popcorn, candy, glasses?


Everyone has heard of 3D movies since they have become one of the most frequented forms of entertainment. Except 3D movies aren’t exactly new. Some forms of 3D have existed since the 1950s, and only now in the 2000s have been becoming increasingly popular. The 3D movies have become more popular worldwide because of IMAX theaters and also because of Disney.
3D is not all fun and games. There are some few health concerns that may cause some people to avoid going to certain movies in 3D, which gets harder every year since many more movies being made are only made in 3D. One of the biggest health factors would be motion sickness. Also nausea, headaches, and any other factors that may be caused from motion sickness.
“I prefer 2D movies than 3D because it makes my head hurt,” said junior Makenzie Mauntler.
Not only has 3D started to overtake the movie experience, theatres have been getting rid of their old projection machines to upgrade into digital. Digital won’t affect the movie experience like 2D or 3D will but it will make the pictures clearer than they were.
Some people are concerned about the whole glasses wearing experience, others they believe that it’s what makes the movie experience better.
Lucky for those concerned people there are some 3D viewing systems that do not require any glasses to be able to see. The Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system you are able to see in 3D without having to actually place on the glasses.
“They need glasses friendly 3D glasses,” said senior Naomi Wilkerson.
The 3D has become more popular mostly due to the great turnouts at movies such as “Toy Story” and “Avatar”. It doesn’t matter what the movie is about it will likely be turned in to a 3D movie since that is what is appealing right now to everyone. A lot of the animated movies that have come out have mostly been turned into 3D since it appeals to both kids and adults.
The 3D mania has been spreading even further than just new movies. 3D has become so popular that old movies from the past have been re-edited to become 3D. The “Beauty and the Beast”, “The Lion King” and the recently redone “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menance”. At the rate these movies are being recreated it is likely many of the old popular movies will be converted in the next couple of years. It is for certain that 3D will be here for a long time.

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