There are bigger issues concerning the world, the debate if the internet is important or not should not be one. Without the internet we would not know what is happening beyond our experience.
For instance, it is election year. With many candidates trying to persuade citizens to vote for them, they have speeches and debates. Many citizens will watch the speech on their electronic devices. Citizens will continue to see who is rising in ranks, eventually who wins the election. This is a good example of why the internet is important. It keeps us informed.
Another good example has something to do with education. Many teachers assign work online so that they could lessen the use of paper which could also mean fewer trees getting cut down. With teachers assigning work online, students can help the environment while getting an education.
Every bit of human history and wisdom is online. The internet is the most powerful and effective way of gaining more knowledge.
Internet Advances
The internet is a powerful source that is needed to gain more knowledge.
Kae Bee, Staff Writer
March 7, 2024