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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Hasa Throwbacks: Phases of Dating

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it leaves many people wondering about their dating lives.   Volume XXVII of the Ahlahasa, which hit the stands on February 6, 1941 touches on the idea of what girls and boys were into at the time.
1941 Ahlahasa paper
Old paper
1941 Ahlahasa paper

Ahlahasa is on a mission to throw back to the past and better understand where we came from. Searching through the historical newspapers, Hasa Throwbacks is about bringing back the Ahlahasa ancestors and putting them into the spotlight once again. Over the next couple of months, posts will be coming out with interesting pieces found in past papers

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it leaves many people wondering about their dating lives.   Volume XXVII of the Ahlahasa, which hit the stands on February 6, 1941 touches on the idea of what girls and boys were into at the time. Maybe this article will help you reevaluate what you are looking for in a relationship. Nicely dressed? Talk too much? Talks too little? Spend a lot of money? Penny-pincher? At the end of the day it comes back to what you prefer. 

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