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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Staff Feature: Zachary Luther

Everyone knows social studies teacher Zachary Luther. He is an involved Albert Lea High School teacher, teaching three subjects: Social Studies, World History, and Psychology.
Zachary Luther

Everyone knows social studies teacher Zachary Luther. He is an involved Albert Lea High School teacher, teaching three subjects: Social Studies, World History, and Psychology. While he teaches history, his favorite class is psychology because he likes the material better.

“I think psychology is fun because all of my students naturally find it incredibly applicable and relatable to their own lives, because, no matter what they do up until this point, psychology has played a role in that,” Luther said. “It helps them find out more, why they are the way they are.”

But if Luther could teach any class he would choose an elective called sports literature. Sports literature is reading different authors and literature to further understand the relationship between sports and society.

“Sports Literature was one of my favorite classes in high school and I think it would be cool,” said Luther.

His elective choice makes sense once you know he has coached two sports. For six years he was the head coach for boys soccer and this is now his eighth year as an assistant coach for boys track. 

“I like to see students flourish as athletes,” said Luther.

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