Changing up the Game(s)

How you choose to spend your time defines you, Zachary Luther and David Voller both chose to coach the sports they love.
Zac Luther has been involved with soccer all his life. He played for Byron High School, played in college at University of Wisconsin-River Falls and continued to play after college on two men’s leagues. Eventually, playing was not enough and Luther decided to change from the player to the coach. Luther coached in Wisconsin for four years and assisted there for a few seasons before he came to Albert Lea.
“[I love to] share what I know with other athletes and being able to see them take that and watch their game grow or watch them be successful on the field,” said Luther.
Luther has been finding new ways to work with the players and improve their game.
“Reflection on what works well and what doesn’t work well, getting [the players] input to design practices, activities and drills to help improve our game.” Luther said he knows the player are improving, Continuous growth and improve in every part of our game and continue to put our best effort out there each night” Luther said.
The boys have already had a successful season, Luther highly encourages Tiger fans to come out and show support for their team.
David Voller has been swimming since seventh grade. He swam for Cambridge-Isani High School and the University of Wisconsin- River Falls. Voller decided to leave the water to coach the girls swim team.
He says he loves Albert Lea, and is adjusting well.
“I really like it here,” Voller said,” It’s been a lot of fun and people I’ve met have all been very nice and really helpful.”
Voller has been coaching since he was 16, student coaching, assistant coaching and coaching younger swimmers, but this is his first year as a head coach.
“They’re working harder which is helping them and working with a lot of technical things,” said Voller.
w says he enjoys seeing the improvement throughout the season in his athletes. Towards the end of the season he is hoping to see the girl’s times improve, that is how he will see a successful season.