Justine Nelson, Guest Writer

Valentine’s is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it just happens to be one of my favorite holidays. I love everything about it: the cheesy gifts, the sentimental cards, the discounted candy the day after and most of all the opportunity to celebrate the people I love.
Most people think that Valentine’s Day is strictly for people in relationships, but the beauty of this holiday is that it is meant simply to show your affection for the people most important in your life. That can include your family and friends. We oftentimes forget that Valentine’s Day is more than just rom-coms and kisses. It is another time of year to celebrate the people who are with us not only at our best but also at our worst.
Being baeless over Valentine’s isn’t and shouldn’t be a let down. There are many people who you could just as easily celebrate with. Love is without a designated definition, so adapt the day created in love’s honor to fit you. Go to a movie with your mom or make dinner for your family. Fill out valentines for your friends like you did in elementary school. It’s a holiday and holidays are meant to be celebrated.
It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that Valentine’s Day is simply for couples, but just like everything in this world, it is what you make it. Instead of spending the holiday of love feeling lonely or negative, I encourage you to embrace Valentine’s Day for what it is; make the best of it and show some love to the most important people in your life. Whoever that may be. Maybe you will end up enjoying it more than you thought.