I ♥ Christmas

Haley DeSart

When I was a little kid (age wise not height) the holiday parties in elementary school were the bomb, especially during Christmas.
The teachers gave us snacks that would probably be considered hazardous to your waistline, cheerful melodies of Christmas songs would be played and us little kids colored these totally awesome holiday drawing pages and made bangingly cool crafts in art class.
Ah, if it’s not obvious, I have some pretty good memories of those elementary school parties. I loved them and looked forward to those few days that were partly dedicated to schoolwork and the rest of it to enjoying good cheer and fun; a welcomed break from the normal routine of primary school work.
All of it stopped in fourth grade though. We didn’t have a Halloween or Christmas party that year. We couldn’t dress up or really do anything holiday-ish, but we did get to have a tropical party and wear a sports’ jersey day…whoopdy- doo. At the time I didn’t understand it, why couldn’t we have these holiday parties that us kids had enjoyed since we entered school? Ten-year-old me never got a definite answer to this question.
I didn’t understand and I ended up getting a talking to by two separate teachers because I fought, what I believed to be, an unfair veto on holiday parties. Now I understand why but that doesn’t refute the fact that ten-year-old me couldn’t voice my displeasure because it wasn’t the popular opinion.
Now that I’m older and taller I reminisce about those actually quite lackluster parties with a warm heart. Though I can now voice my opinion semi-openly without being offensive, I still think about those awesome coloring pages that remind me of my elementary childhood. In retrospect, I am thankful to have these memories to hold onto but disheartened by the fact they were cut short so soon.