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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Time for some ‘tubing’ Tips on how to be a quality youtuber


YouTube. That one word can make our generation do a variety of things. Whether it be to recall a gut-busting video they fell in love with, remember how to tie their tie, grow a simple smile or think to how irritating it is to be “Rickrolled.”
The site began as a dating website in its early years and was created by three computer geniuses named Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. Later, they parted ways with that idea. The site started to be known for its current status of random videos after the creators of the site started to post dull or exciting acts they did, such as going to the zoo. They also began to share their interests by posting a music video from their favorite artists.
The act of browsing through videos or creating them for the site is called “Youtubing.”
YouTubing is not always an easy task though. You can create loads of videos for every one video you make that gets even relatively close to 1,000 views. Although there are some Youtube regulars who update their channels daily or weekly, such as the comedic Shane Dawson or the “How to be…” creator, Nigahiga.
For someone who wants to get famous or paid by Youtube, here are five in-depth steps they could consider following in order to get their wanted attention.
Step one: be original. Not everyone wants to see another video of someone’s cat playing a keyboard or a person explaining to us how to be “ninja.”
Step two: get creative with your subject. The infamous “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” video may be against creativity but feel free to do it. Remember, the slightest randomness could make someone smile.
Step three: be appropriate. Even though we all see those videos that are over the boundary line you should remember YouTube has a right to take anything down you post.
Step four: Don’t be such a camera expert. Sure, the added effects are cool but anyone has the potential to make a Youtube video.
Step five: post it. Don’t be afraid of anyone’s opinion. The more they talk about how much they love or hate your video, it’s publicity for your work.
Among the billions of YouTubers out in the world there are some of your peers who take their YouTubing seriously. One of those people would be Albert Lea High School junior Adam Herbst, whose channel name is herbie11662.
Herbst has posted 28 videos on his Youtube channel, most of them being known for their hilarity.
Herbst’s favorite video he created is the three part dance video; “Marian Kat Daddy.”
“It’s pretty much just funny videos of me dancing,” Herbst said with a laugh.
Herbst is always looking forward to new laughable videos to be posted, and highly encourages others to try to make a great video for an audience to enjoy.
“I love funny videos,” Herbst said regarding the feel-good videos. “I think that comedy is a very important part of life.”
There are many other ALHS students besides Herbst that love to post videos, so don’t be afraid to check out your fellow classmates’ YouTube channels.
“There are videos better than mine from other students,” Herbst said about the local videos.
Also, don’t be afraid of just doing some regular “tubing,”Which could be doing anything from watching a video or making your own for the other “tubers” to enjoy.
Remember, anyone has the potential to create a Youtube video so don’t think twice to express yourself through any kind of video. Just think back to the steps and get your friends in on the business if you ever need a hand. Just imagine, you could go viral.

drawing by laura olson

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