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Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


Albert Lea High School Newspaper


The Final Chapters

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I. Breaking Dawn: Part I. America is currently going through a 3D movie craze, but maybe bookturned- movie-turned-twoinstallments will be the next. The Harry Potter series and the Twilight saga’s success as books resulted in movies. The first six novels of Harry Potter were all one movie, same goes for the first three of Twilight. The question must be asked: are two-part movies a good or bad idea? Let’s consider. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” is not the longest book in the series (“Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix” was), but it definitely “Hallows” has the most action in it. “Breaking Dawn” is the longest book in the Twilight saga. People who read books and watch their movie adaptations are highly judgmental. They will criticize a movie on what it added that wasn’t in the book and what it left out from the book. Two-part movies have a special opportunity to keep in more details than if it were just one movie. “It’s good when movies are in two parts because I don’t want to sit through one six-hour movie and [in a two part movie] important details don’t have to be cut out of them,” said senior Maddi Dickey, a fan of the Harry Potter series. Two-part movies are a win-win situation. Fans get more of their beloved books and the movie industry gets more money. “I think splitting a movie into two is just a way to make money,” said senior Logan Tufte. Like in Harry Potter, they now make profit for eight movies instead of seven. But it’s a good thing because the book was 800 pages so they needed to.” As for Twilight’s “Breaking Dawn,” the decision to split the movie into two parts seems to have been stolen from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” “Breaking Dawn” in two parts has been more of a mixed review. “I think they can do [“Breaking Dawn”] in one movie,” Tufte said. “They’re only doing it in two to make more money.” On the other hand, Twilight fans say there’s just too much going on in the final book of the saga to put it all in one movie. “I think the producers realized how ridiculous the book is and needed to put it in more than one movie,” Dickey said. In the cases of “Breaking Dawn” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” people approve the decision to split the books into two movies. In the previous movies of these series, important details were left out. In two-part movies, it allows a leeway to let the movie follow the story line from the book more closely. There is, however, one downside to movies in two installments. That is, the unbearable wait between the first movie and the next. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II” won’t be out until July 15, 2011, seven months after the release of the first. When “Breaking Dawn: Part I” comes out November 18, 2011, movie-goers will have to wait until November 16, 2011, an entire year. “The waiting period between part one and part two is ridiculous, just ridiculous,” Dickey stated.

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