Staff Editorial: Growing Up

The older we get, the more complicated things become.
As a group of mainly juniors and seniors, we the staff of The Ahlahasa are feeling these complications.
We think back to days where we were careless. We could eat as much junk food and not worry about the consequences, (except for the massive gut rot that came after) and snack breaks at school. We had little responsibility and having fun was our number one priority.
Now as high school students, we are expected to know what we are doing with the rest of our lives and go out into the “real world”.
This pressure may be hard to deal with it, but growing up does come with a few perks
At 16 years old, we can finally stop relying on others for rides and get a driver’s license, and at 18, a whole world opens up.
In the eyes of the law you magically become an adult the day you turn 18, meaning you can get a tattoo, get a credit card, (if your pretty much non-existent credit allows for it) sign legal documents, gamble and more.
As we get older we have begun to realize how dependent we are and appreciate the ones we are dependent on. We also realize one day we will have to be self-reliant, and that is a little scary.
So to the younger students of ALHS, we have some advice; enjoy being young and please don’t try to grow up so fast… trust us, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.